Landlords property insurance is for homes that are let or unoccupied. Cover is available on standard or non-standard/distressed risks and is suitable for individual properties or portfolios. Cover is available on landlords’ buildings and contents, either together or separately.
Cover is available for:
Multiple tenancy periods, professional lets, unoccupied properties, properties undergoing renovation, student lets, DSS, asylum seekers and UK holiday homes to name a few.
Full information (pdf)
Why choose Castle?
Instant decisions
Referrals to Castle can be made in various ways, meaning instant decisions using a method that suits your needs, either by telephone, email or using our online portal.
Competitive premiums
Castle constantly monitors its pricing and market trends to ensure that we remain competitive.
A-rated insurers
All of our Insurer panel are A-Rated “Excellent” or above meaning that they have the financial strength to meet their obligations to policyholders.
Flexible & knowledgeable
By only concentrating on one class of insurance, we are able to provide realistic and well informed terms.
What’s included in the policy?
In the event that the property cannot be occupied by its tenants following a claim, we will cover the lost rent.
Full perils cover is available for unoccupied properties.
Cover is available in the event that a tenant accidently damages the property or its contents.

Take a look at our other insurance products…
We provide efficient and reliable solutions to enable you to deliver tailored household insurance solutions for your customers. This can be either with full delegated authority or via our own online system.